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同语文作文写作一样,英语作文写作也少不了作文素材的积累。 下面是小编用心搜集汇总的小学英语作文题材九篇,分享给您借鉴学习,希望您能喜欢。



When the weekend comes, I feel so happy, my friend and I make a small trip to go to visit my hometown. We take the bus, we enjoy the scenery all the way, the trees are so green and the water is so clean. We take many pictures, we catch finish in the river and take the boat, we have so much fun, it is a happy trip.



My English teacher is special, she teaches us in the different way. Since the day she comes to us, she says we can talk in the class, what’s more, we also can eat things, she never cares so much about the class rules. Her teaching method works, we always take the first place in the exam. I wish someday I could be a teacher like her.



Almost every child will complain about their parents sometimes. It is natural, because when people stay together for a long time, they will start to have argument. But ignore about the unhappy time, our parents love us all the time. No matter what happen to us, they will stand by our sides. We should be grateful to them and try to understand them.


In my eye, my father is so adorable, because he can give me advices and help me to make the best decision. My father experienced a lot. When he graduated from college, his first job was to work in the office, then he found life was boring to sit in the office all the day, so he decided to quit and then started his trip to many places. My father had been traveled to many places, he opened his vision and then went back home to find another job he liked. When he met my mother, he thought it was time to settle down. I was so interested in his life experience, I couldn’t help thinking what if I go with him. I must will meet many new persons and then see the beautiful scenery. I want to live as my father, when the time comes, I will travel too.

在我眼里,我的父亲是如此的可敬,因为他能给我建议和帮助我做出最好的决定。我父亲经历了很多。当他从大学毕业时,他的第一份工作是在办公室里工作,然后他发现生活是多么的无聊,整天坐在办公室里,所以他决定辞职,然后开始他去很多地方。我父亲已经去过很多地方,他开阔了视野,然后回到家找到另一个他喜欢的工作。当他遇见了我母亲,他认为是时候安定下来。我对他的生活经验很感兴趣, 忍不住想如果我和他一起去会怎么样。我一定会遇到很多不认识的人,然后看到美丽的风景。我想像我父亲那样活着,当时机成熟的时候,我也会去旅游。


As the New Year has passed away, I think the cold weather will pass away and gets warm soon, but I am wrong. This morning, it snows again and I have to wear a lot of clothes. I guess this is the last snow and the summer is coming soon. I miss summer. I can swim and play with my friends in summer.


I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be an actor. Being an actor can play many roles and experience different lifestyles. It is so cool. What’s more, I can make a lot of money and then travel around the world. I have passion in performance and have joined many dramas. I hope someday I can realize my dream.


I like to read novels. It enriches my world and broadens my vision. Most novels are about how little child grows up. Often they will go through a lot of difficulties and conquer their fears. Finally, they return their homes and become a brave person. These stories tell me to get over my weakness so that I can be a brave girl.



I like small animals. I like playing with them. My favorite animal is chick. They look lovely and like running. I also like running with them. It is a funny game. Sometimes I will give some food to them. They are always very happy to get the food. They like speaking. But I always cannot know what they say. And it doesn’t let me not like them.



With the improvement of living conditions, more and more people can live longer. However, many old people always suffer from loneliness, which is one of the major problems in today’s society. To make the old people live better, some good advice must be followed. Firstly, the young should spare more time to talk and communicate with their parents, so as to relieve their loneliness. Secondly, the old ought to understand the work pressure and family burden of the young. Furthermore, the society are supposed to organize more activities for the old, so that they can make more friends and have more joys and happiness in their life.




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