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无论是身处学校还是步入社会,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢? 以下是知了否小编辛苦搜集的圣诞节的小学英语作文(通用)十三篇,欢迎朋友阅读参考,希望对您的工作学习有帮助。



The children like Christmas most, because we can receive many presents from Santa Claus. Christmas morning, I received a gift from Santa in my sweater package.

What would you guess? Yesterday evening I mother's conjecture is a pencil case, I guess that is a pair of nozzle, the results are now open on see, unexpectedly is two books, one is "Snow White", one is the "story". These two books are very nice. I like them very much. This Christmas is very happy, not only receive Santa's gift, my mother took me out to go shopping, I am so happy.


I am going to have a busy weekend ! On Saturday , I'm going to clean my room and do homework. Then , in the evening , I 'm going to the supermaket with my mother .

On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore on foot . I'm going to buy some books. Then, I'm going to go home and read the new books. In the evening , I'm going to watch TV. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?


On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten.

Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.


When I was very small, I always looked forward to the coming of Christmas Day, because it meant that I would have presents early in the morning. It was such an exciting thing for me. My mother told me that if I was doing well in the year, the Santa Claus would give me bonus. I believed in it and I acted politely.

I got my present every Christmas morning and I was so proud of myself. Now I have grown up and realize the truth of Santa Claus. I am so thankful of my parents, as they make up the story and help me to be an excellent kid.


Our class held a celebration of Christmas this afternoon. We played a lot of games, had a lot of fun, and gave each of us a red sock with a gift.

The socks were filled with goodies and my favorite chocolate. Each of us got a nice and delicious cake. My father picked me up after school, and before I left the school, I started eating cake. Today's celebration also has many parents, but my father and mother did not have the name of the newspaper, can not come to the school to see our Christmas activities. If only they could come!


My neighbor is from USA. He is a professor in a university here. He always says "Hi" when he sees any people in the neighborhood. I went to his home this Christmas with my friends. I gave him a Christmas card. He was so happy. He took out some food and some drinks.

And, we sang some Christmas songs with him and ate a little of food. He played the piano and we danced and played games. When it was getting late, we said goodbye to him. He thanked us for our visit and placed my Christmas card on his refrigerator. He also said, “Thanks, Little Cherry.” It was a good day.


Spring festival is our Chinese traditional festival. It is important to us. We will celebrate it every year. But with the development of the world, Christmas Day plays a more and more important place.

And there are more and more Chinese celebrate this festival. We can see that Christmas Day is noisier that spring festival in the big city, because people will goback to their hometown. The big city seems very lonely. So, some people are afraid that Christmas Day will take the place of spring festival. But I don’t think so, because spring festival is a symbol of China.


When I was very small, I always looked forward to the coming of Christmas Day, because it meant that I would have presents early in the morning. It was such an exciting thing for me. My mother told me that if I was doing well in the year, the Santa Claus would give me bonus.

I believed in it and I actedpolitely. I got my present every Christmas morning and I was so proud of myself.Now I have grown up and realize the truth of Santa Claus. I am so thankful of myparents, as they make up the story and help me to be an excellent kid.


My neighbor is from USA. He is a professor in a university here. He always says "Hi" when he sees any people in the neighborhood. I went to his home this Christmas with my friends. I gave him a Christmas card. He was so happy. He took out some food and some drinks. And, we sang some Christmas songs with him and ate a little of food. He played the piano and we danced and played games. When it was getting late, we said goodbye to him. He thanked us for our visit and placed my Christmas card on his refrigerator. He also said, “Thanks, Little Cherry.” It was a good day.


My neighbor is from USA. He is a professor in a university here. He always says "Hi" when he sees any people in the neighborhood. I went to his home this Christmas with my friends. I gave him a Christmas card. He was so happy. He took out some food and some drinks.

And, we sang some Christmas songs with him and ate a little of food. He played the piano and we danced and played games. When it was getting late, we said goodbye to him.

He thanked us for our visit and placed my Christmas card on his refrigerator. He also said, “Thanks, Little Cherry.” It was a good day.


Christmas as a grand festival of the west, in addition to the Christmas tree, also cannot little taste delicious food.

Before Christmas Turkey dinner is a case card main course, people might do in a microwave oven, the holidays a lot of people now is in outside restaurant to have dinner, merchants can also use the opportunity to make money out of customers, of course, there are many Christmas food, ginger bread, candy, and so on.

In addition, people also give gifts to each other, this is the children's favorite, often can get lots of presents.


Today is Christmas Eve, because mom and dad are coming to our class today and we spend the holidays together on Christmas Eve, mom and dad for the classroom dress nicely, we have our way in the morning is so happy, so excited!

Noon father mother finally came, they brought us many many gifts, we also and teachers to play the game, our Mr. Liu also came to our class our special enthusiasm, mr.liu enjoy our class, say we are "perfect" class. I think the present of Santa Claus is delicious!

What a great Christmas!


I hope the holiday finally comes, because Christmas can get the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful gift.

Tonight we played the beautiful music, decorated the tree, a small gift swinging from the tree, sparkling. Thousands of paper cranes flutter in the treetops, the little bells jingling. We continue to dress up with happiness... Christmas also has a custom, which is to remember to eat apples on Christmas Eve. Our whole family laughed and laughed and celebrated Christmas Eve.

Christmas is a happy holiday and a day to miss.




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