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有一种底气,叫做你能行!有一种豪气,叫做你可以!有一种霸气,叫做你最棒!不要总是瞻前顾后,想做的事,就大胆地做。只有迈出脚下那一步,人生才会与众不同。 以下是小编特意搜集汇总的做最好的自己英语演讲稿九篇,有需借鉴参考的朋友,快点看看吧。



People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records.

Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of government officials and the events during wars?

We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of human history.

From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help us when we are confused and when we really need peace.

The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives a warning to those who promote war, and inspiration to those who seek peace.

In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday’s records can keep us from repeating yesterday’s mistakes. And from the pieces of mosaic4 assembled5 by historians come the great murals6 which represent the progress of mankind.


我们为什么要有图书馆呢?这些文献和史书有何用处呢? 我们为什么要记载并保存人类的行为、政府官员的谈判和战争中的事件呢?






无论成败 但求做最好的自己-be the best of whatever you are!

if you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,


be a scrub in the valley---but be


the best little scrub by the side of the rill;


be a bush if you can't be a tree.


if you can't be a bush be a bit of grass--


and some highway happier make.


if you can't be a muskie then just be a bass--


but the liveliest bass in the lake!


we can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,


there's something for all of us here,


there's big work to do, and there's lesser to do,


and the task you must do is the near.


if you can't be a highway then just be a trail,


if you can't be the sun be a star;


it isn't by size that you win or you fail--


be the best of whatever you are!



Stick to your dream and you will get something

The book "The Greatest Salesman in the World" shocked me most. It is the words on the title page of the book: I dedicate this book to all people who seek the value of life.

What is the purpose of work, where does the motivation come from, and what forces keep us going? Is value, is to seek our own value!

Everyone's work and life will not be smooth sailing, no setbacks. No one can easily succeed in his career. Every successful person will experience many hardships, many pains, many setbacks, and at the same time persist in his dream, only in the end can he achieve something. So-called; how can we see a rainbow without going through the storm?

Man is born to be rich. If you want to achieve something in your limited life, you must cherish your present job, cherish every day in front of you, and everyone should face life with gratitude, people, things and feel the beauty of life. I believe that every effort is bound to be rewarded.

The greatest salesman in the world tells me that greatness is the result of pursuit and persistence. Three minutes of heat can't make a career. There's no easy success. Only the dream that dares to hold fast. Although difficult, but perseverance is victory, keep clouds open and see the moon!

People should have dreams when they are alive. Dreams are not empty and empty. The other end of dreams is their own point of belonging. In the journey to realize the dream, the value gradually appears. Be able to follow your dreams step by step, even if others see failure, will have a clear conscience. Success has no final conclusion. To realize one's life value is success.

Finally, I want to send you a sentence in the second scroll of sheepskin: "I will greet today with love from all my heart."

Love is power, love is source and passion. Only by loving our work, our family and our colleagues can we face our work positively and face everyone enthusiastically. Even if we encounter unhappy things, we can accept it happily, because only by accepting, can we really face it. Only in the face can we change, only in the face of change can we make a breakthrough.

Thank you.


Many people have the difficulty to make decision, because they have no idea what they want and then just follow the crowd. When they realize what they want, they feel regretful. For the lucky person, they have the chance to restart, while for some don’t, they just live the life without passion.


I remembered before we went to college, we needed to choose the major. Most students did not know what to do, so they made a survey, the hot major which was believed to have the promising future was their first choice. As they studied, some would find they had no interest but they just couldn’t give up. If they thought twice before act, then they would not follow the crowd.


I appreciate the saying that you are so special, why you have to follow the crowd. Indeed, some make their decision for the purpose of catering for others, which go against their will. If people lose their individuality, they lose their soul.


Many people have the difficulty to make decision, because they have no idea what they want and then just follow the crowd. When they realize what they want, they feel regretful. For the lucky person, they have the chance to restart, while for some don’t, they just live the life without passion.许多人很难做出决定,因为他们不知道自己想要什么,然后只是随大流。当他们意识到他们想要的东西时,会感到遗憾。幸运的人,他们有机会重来,而对于一些不幸运的人,他们过着没有激情的生活。

I remembered before we went to college, we needed to choose the major. Most students did not know what to do, so they made a survey, the hot major which was believed to have the promising future was their first choice. As they studied, some would find they had no interest but they just couldn’t give up. If they thought twice before act, then they would not follow the crowd.


I appreciate the saying that you are so special, why you have to follow the crowd. Indeed, some make their decision for the purpose of catering for others, which go against their will. If people lose their individuality, they lose their soul.


any people have the difficulty to make decision, because they have no idea what they want and then just follow the crowd. When they realize what they want, they feel regretful. For the lucky person, they have the chance to restart, while for some don’t, they just live the life without passion.许多人很难做出决定,因为他们不知道自己想要什么,然后只是随大流。当他们意识到他们想要的东西时,会感到遗憾。幸运的人,他们有机会重来,而对于一些不幸运的人,他们过着没有激情的生活。I remembered before we went to college, we needed to choose the major. Most students did not know what to do, so they made a survey, the hot major which was believed to have the promising future was their first choice. As they studied, some would find they had no interest but they just couldn’t give up. If they thought twice before act, then they would not follow the crowd.


I appreciate the saying that you are so special, why you have to follow the crowd. Indeed, some make their decision for the purpose of catering for others, which go against their will. If people lose their individuality, they lose their soul.



Do you know what mottos are? They are things people say that have a special meaning. I have a super motto and it works like magic. My motto is "Just do your best."


I say it all the time.My motto guides me everyday. It's very helpful to me. It helps me face challenges and takes away my worrys. It makes me feel stronger. For example, I was sick on a day that I had an important test. I was very nervous and afraid, so I told myself,"Just do your best." Then I tried my best. I gave it one hundred percent and I did a great job.


This motto can make you confident. Don't worry about what will happen and don't compare yourself to other people. Just do your best, and you will be fine.Anything is possible if you do your best, so try to do your best every day.



In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead.Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming. The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.

Now, chances are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn to say, “No.”

Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with, have the courage to bow out politely. You’ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet. Remember this in your heart, you are the unique one in the world, just be yourself.





Learn How to Say No

We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.






When I was a little girl, I didn't live a happy life. Because I was not able to do what my mom and teachers wanted me to do. I didn't get high marks. I liked doing things that they thought not proper enough. Only dad was on my side. He encouraged me to do what I liked. He told me to believe in myseff. He knew that I loved playing the violin, so he bought one for me and asked someone to teach me. Now I was very good at it. I once played abroad and get the third prize in a world violin contest for children.I would become an excellent violin player if I worked hard and always believed in myself.



Be True To Yourself 做真实的自己

To be true to yourself means to act in accordance with who you are and what you believe.


If you know and love yourself you will find it effortless to be true to yourself.


Just as you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself, you cannot be true to anyone else until you are true to yourself.


Be who you are.


Do not take action or pretend to be someone else for the sake of gaining acceptance.


Many young people believe that when they do things to please their peers, such as drink when they shouldn't, or behave and party in inappropriate ways, they will be popular and liked.


They go against the advice of their parents or their own common sense only to find themselves in trouble and not accomplishing what they set out to do.


When you do things that are not genuine or a reflection of the real you, you will not be happy with yourself and will end up confused. You'll be confused because you won't know whom to please, or how.


Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.


When you respect yourself, others will respect you. They will sense that you are strong and capable of standing up for yourself and your beliefs.


When you are true to yourself, you allow your individuality and uniqueness to shine through. You respect the opinions of others but do not conform to stereotypes or their expectations of you.


To be true to yourself takes courage. It requires you to be introspective, sincere, open-minded and fair.


Being true to yourself does not mean that you are inconsiderate or disrespectful of others.


It means that you will not let others define you or make decisions for you that you should make for yourself.





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