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Dear leaders, teachers and students

hello everyone! In the twinkling of an eye, another group of familiar faces will leave the campus with the memories of four years of University. Four years in a hurry, freshman's green and ignorant, sophomore's hard work, Junior's hard work seem to be still in front of us. We haven't enjoyed it yet, but we have to wave our hands gently to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters who have cried, laughed and quarreled, and to say goodbye to our lost and struggling campus youth.

Perhaps the most proud thing in the university is to stick to and realize their dreams, to harvest sweet love, to meet a confidant. There are regrets and regrets. The loss of strength in the competition, the failure in the examination, the small friction between students, and so on, are also adjusting the University bowl of mixed soup. Of course, there will be a lot of insights. Zou Jiao, a senior of journalism school, told reporters: "I think we should study hard from freshman to senior, combine work with rest, and learn and play together. Freshmen should adapt to college life, learn to be independent, read more, make more friends, and lay a good foundation. Sophomores think about what they want to do, determine the general direction, and make preliminary preparations. Juniors can practice according to what they have learned before, and make the final sprint for the road they choose. As a senior, on the one hand, you should calmly wait for the results of your efforts; on the other hand, you can do things you didn't have time to do before. " These insights provide a good reference for the younger students, promote them to be positive and create a colorful and regretless university life.

I always believe that farewell is for a better meeting next time. Entering the competitive society, we can really see the crowded recruitment hall, or really feel the pressure of postgraduate entrance examination. We have encountered problems that we have never met before, and opened the curtain of another life scene. It is understood that this year, the number of graduates nationwide has reached 6.99 million, which is jokingly known as "the most difficult year for employment in history", and the competitive pressure can be imagined. At the same time, driven by serious practical problems such as income, many college students believe that they can get into banks, state-owned enterprises or institutions for 200000 yuan, which not only breaks the dream of "iron rice bowl", but also pushes themselves into a deeper abyss. Although there are many urgent social problems to be solved, it is urgent to correct the ideas of many college students. It is absolutely not feasible to take advantage of the back door and trust the relationship, which not only harms the individual, but also destroys the social atmosphere.

If you want to get ahead, college graduates should not despise the high and low position, 360 line, line out of the top, as long as down-to-earth, do a good job at the work at hand, accumulate more experience, there will be a future. It's time to say goodbye again, but goodbye is for meeting again. After a few years, more than a decade or more, when everyone has accepted the tempering of society and life, when everyone has become mature and excellent, when each has a new life, when we meet again and smile, we are still friends, there are still reasons to embrace, because friendship lasts forever, because youth is worth remembering.

Graduation song gradually ring, has not left, but has begun to miss. Youth will eventually pass away, no need to be sad, no need to panic, it will be forever engraved in the years, into a warm force, let the road ahead full of infinite sunshine because of memories.

This concludes my speech. Thank you!


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

When I was little, I lived in a remote village in southern China with my grandparents. Like many kids in the countryside, I enjoyed digging a hole in the opening among paddy fields, using branches and hay to bake sweet potatoes and playing hawk-and-chicken with my friends. Every Chinese New Year Eve, my grandmother would prepare our festive food called Guo. It was a tradition that neighbors help each other prepare Guo. While adults were busy pouring flour on the cutting board, pressing the paste flat and moulding it into beautiful shape, kids would run around in the village’s ancestral temple and immerse ourselves in the enchanting and cheerful smell of holiday.

Having lived in the city for the following ten years, I always feel the changes happening in my hometown every time I go back--the village looks surprisingly similar to the coastal city where I live! The opening field where I baked potatoes was leveled and a manufacturing factory has been built there, blocking the sunlight of our yard. The ancestral temple has been torn down and is now a small supermarket for villagers. The number of people knowing how to prepare Guo is diminishing and young people seem to be more interested in fast food and oblivious of traditional arts and skills. The village seems quite empty because most young people have become migrant workers in cities and only return home once or twice a year.

In the course of urbanization, villages gradually languish and die out when the passing on of traditions lose its population base. The total number of Chinese villages has declined from 3.7 million in 2000 to 2.6 million in 2010. Approximately 300 villages in China are disappearing every day. It’s saddening to see that many ancient villages, which survived warfare and natural disasters over thousands of years, have been demolished or annexed by cities in peacetime. Lulei Village, hometown for the famous mathematician, Chen Jingrun, was an affluent village in southern China with a history of over 700 years. Since the village obstructed the construction of the local railway station, it was almost torn down, including the former residence for Chen’s family.

We Chinese have been reveling in urbanization for decades. What worries me is that one day on this way to modernization, we turn back but are unable to see the link with our origins and ancestors. When we’re surrounded by skyscrapers and neon glamour, what defines us as Chinese? Urbanization does not mean brutally encroaching upon the countryside and strangling rural culture. It should not sever the ties with our beloved homeland. While promoting the country’s economy, it should also allow space for cultural diversity. In the ideal urbanization process, we should no longer emphasize the binary opposition of city and village, but endeavor to form a reciprocal relationship between the two.

Ladies and gentlemen, fallen leaves return to the roots. If we do not redefine and reorient urbanization, we will not be able to save millions of villages, neither can we revert to the origin where we belong.

Thank you.


Good evening, everyone. My name is WangHaili. I am an outgoing girl who likes reading and traveling. It’s really my great honor to stand here and give everyone a short speech.

People say, youth is fire which is ignited by passion. People say, youth is a chapter of the poem which is written by stories. The color of youth is bright and we make most use of our ardor to draw the scenes to the canvas of painting. But we may be confused and lose our direction in the youth time. Under this, youth slips away. Roman Roland says, life doesn’t issue return ticket and can never come back once sets out. So we should seize the short youth time and try our best to pursue our ideal. Do what should we do and let our youth without regret.

When we refer to ideal, we will realize the importance of ideal. Ideal is the beacon,. Without ideal, we will lose the firm direction. Without direction, we will lose our life. According to this, every one of us should establish our own ideal .so that we have the direction of straggle to the future. Tolstoy tells us, we should have the life objective from the whole life to the second. So we should cherish every moment and form our systematic objective. Youth is the prime time. We have strong body and energy and can sense the meaning of life under the guide of ideal.

As we know, the ideal is plentiful and reality is skinny. But we should believe that we will become stronger and stronger in the way to pursue ideal. Future is unknown,. If we hope our future is nice, we should enrich our youth time and find the direction of future.

Let us use our youth to pursue our ideal and make our future wonderful. So we will have gorgeous life.


Dear teachers, dear students:

hello everyone!

Students! In his congratulatory letter to the _ anniversary of the construction of the young pioneers, Grandpa _ proposed to our young pioneers to bear in mind the heavy trust of the party and the people, and strive to be a good young man who studies hard and pursues progress.

So, how can we study hard? How to pursue the progress?

I remember the ancients saying, "three more lights and five more chickens, it is the boy who read. Black hair does not know how to study early, but white head regrets how late he studies. If you don't eat, you are hungry, you will be foolish if you don't read. Gorky said“ Books are the ladder of human progress. " "Great Zhou said," Dajiang song turned to the East, and he was poor in the world. "Ten years of face wall breaking, difficult to pay for sea and hero"

It can be seen that our predecessors study hard and advance their spirit, how persistent; How touching, how can we not be deeply learning?

In our happy campus, in the good learning environment and such superior learning conditions, learning has different views; I have seen in extracurricular books that "learning is a burden, it is not lazy and greedy"; Others think that "learning is like chewing wax, it is not as sweet as cheese and bread." others think that "learning is just going through the field, learning and not learning" and so on. However, I think learning is a kind of enjoyment, which can make you intoxicated; Learning is a piece of music that can enrich you. Make you happy in the strings of music. Learning is a delicious, it can make you try sweet, sour and spicy; Only learning! Only know that I am behind. Only learning! Find the gap with others. Only learning! And then you can get up and down; Learning, going forward and working hard are always on the same line. Whip you always forward; But they have a fundamentally different side. That is, it never ends“ Learning without end! There is no side to learn the sea to make a boat! "

Students! Study hard! Go for the best! Learn new knowledge, read noble and cultivate spirituality; The pursuit makes your eyes look wider from afar. Reading makes the mind travel through time and space, and pursues the immortal world in the future! Thank you!


“Way to Blue. Everybody Hurts. Glad to be Unhappy.”

These were some of the chart-toppers announced on the radio while I was at the barbershop a year ago. Quite depressing, huh.

I asked my brother, Joe, why songs that display such unhappiness reach the charts. Joe is an established businessman who is always confident with his viewpoints. He reacted quickly and questioned me in a matter-of-fact tone, “can’t you relate to the song?” He then confidently pointed to the Buddhists’ explanation of happiness, explaining to me that happiness is never a constant state, but rather only a temporary escape from suffering. While I respect the Buddhist explanation, I couldn’t help but ask: so what is keeping you from experiencing happiness? Joe lost his assertiveness when I mentioned this and he replied, “While I gain acceptance from my peers and family, I feel like I’m a nobody. These songs act as a route for me to escape. I don’t see happiness as attainable in my life.”

While Joe transformed from a confident speaker to a soft-spoken melancholic within a matter of a minute, my barber offered him a sympathetic smile. He spoke up. “I was exactly like you - once upon a time, I deceived myself into thinking I was happy. I followed the majority’s norms of a stable job in brokerage and felt I gained society’s acceptance. I was loved! But deep down, I loved songs like these because I felt so useless. I felt that whatever I did made no difference in the world. I found an escape from this mainstream music as a means of explaining myself. Then the next day, I’d put on my suit and be a nobody again.

Then I asked, but how about now? “Now?” The barber said, smiling. “Now, I don’t think this music deserves its place on the charts.” He flipped over to his playlist and played us a song - “Mayfly” by Cheer Chen.

The lyrics goes “Everyday when we open our eyes, we are all mayflies. Living a simple life, chasing a dream vigorously, searching for nothing but happiness.”

“I think this music deserves a place on the charts. I wish people could search for happiness by only looking forward, and be brave enough neglect harsh criticisms and mockeries along the way - just like a mayfly. A mayfly only sees what is ahead of it - why else would their lives be so simple otherwise? I became a barber because I wanted to attain happiness - sure, I experienced disapproval from peers and such, but I did not want to become “a firefly without light”. I find happiness when I mix with trendy young people that are eager to make their customers look better - sure, some may not understand why this brings me happiness, but does it matter?”

My brother Joe and I had a long conversation that evening. We debated vigorously on our different values of happiness - while the conversation with the barber relit my childhood dream of being a conductor, Joe still questions whether stable happiness can achieved even if his dreams are fulfilled. But ultimately, we agreed that one should not let others decide your own standard of happiness. Don’t deceive yourself into sadness and despair; pick yourself up and find your own definition of happiness. Thank you.




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