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Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, because the boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walk away with the pen. Many years passed, every time when I think of it, I will be ashamed of myself, I lost the important thing once, but I will not lose it again.

The merit of honesty occupies great importance today. In the old time, without the camera’s supervisor, people kept their honesty according to their self-consciousness. It seems that if they are not honest, they would not get any punishment. But today, as the technology develops, people are supervised by the high-technologies all the time, once they are caught cheating, their files will have the spot, which affect their career badly.

We are living in the modern life, we need to self-behaved, what we do is under the invisible cameras’ watching. Even we make the small mistake, we will be recorded without noticed. What we do decides what kind of person we are, so let’s be an honest person all the time.


A boy went to a shop and bought a pencil and other things. When he was going to pay the bill, he took out his wallet and found he had not enough money to pay. He felt awkward. At that moment, an old man who was in charge of the shop smiled and said to the boy that he could give the rest of the money next time. The boy was so shocked, as the old man trusted him so much. When the boy went home, he remembered it all the time. So the next morning, when he passed the shop, he gave the money without hesitation. Integrity is priceless and decides who we are.




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